Monday, November 14, 2011

Hey I'm Screamin Atcho!

So, basically sometimes life is hard.  My solution for that is Mitchel Musso!  What a stud!  The splashing of color in this music video always brightens my day! Sploosh Splash!

One of my favorite parts of the week is Home Evening!  Tonight we talked about being grateful and happy.  We went around the room and each said one thing we were grateful for that day.  Some things mentioned were Hulu, waking up with energy, washing machines, and heat fans in the bathroom.  There are so many things we can be grateful for!

Meet Hank my thankful turkey!

I'm really grateful for all my friends, and today I decided to be thankful for Lauren!
What are you thankful for today?  Take a minute and write it down :) If you are thankful for someone let them know!  Make their day!

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