Monday, January 23, 2012

Let's Break Melissa's Comfort Zone

So being a teacher has really pushed me out of my comfort zone.  I am totally comfortable reading and lecturing and leading a discussion, but an FCS teacher's job is much more complex than this.

So I LOVE singing, to myself, when no one else is listening.  Singing just isn't one of my talents.  Well lucky me!  I get to work on this talent.  Every other class period for Child Development we get to sing a children's song.  The BEST part about this is that in order for me to teach my students this song I get to sing it to them.  On my own. Solo. Out loud.  Last time we did "My Bonnie."  I don't know how I really sounded, the kids weren't covering their ears and crying, but in my head I sounded like: (go to .50 and pay special attention in the 3rd minute)

Another great thing I did today was play pretend.  My interior design class came in and I pretended I was an exercise instructor.  We did chair exercising.  I was peppy.  I was loud.  My class was laughing so hard at me.  Yep, it was fun, but at the same time scary.

One day I will be a great teacher and these things won't make me uncomfortable.  But until then I just have to fake it till I make it!

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