Saturday, July 7, 2012

Weird Dreams

I have an insane ability to remember my dreams very well.  Sometimes this really messes with my life.  Often I wake up really hating someone and then I have to remind myself that it was part of my dream.  There have been a few times where I have a very vivid dream and then not long after the dream actually happens; maybe not exactly the same way, but still.

So here is my very vivid dream from last night.

I am standing in front of my classroom.  I am teaching my child development class.  We are talking about the first trimester of pregnancy.  One of my students asks me what trimester I am in.  I look down and realize I am super huge and pregnant.  In my mind I am freaking out.  I'm not married!  How did I get pregnant.  Then a student raises their hand and calls me Mrs. Anonymous (I am not going to say the name because it is a real person).  I look down at my hand and have a ring on my finger.  I am thinking when did I get married?!  I was really freaked out.  I walk into the hall and run into my best friend.  I pull her into some storage room and start freaking out.  She calms me down and says "Melissa you and Anonymous got married 2 years ago. "  Well at this point I am thinking why did we get married?  This guy avoids me right now.  He would never marry me.  Then Anonymous suddenly appears and goes to give me a hug.  Just as he is about to hug me I woke up.  It took me a while to register that I am in my room and it was a dream.  It was so real!

So, all day I have been thinking about Anonymous.  It is so weird that a dream can cause such strong emotions and feelings.

Well world, I hope you all have happy dreams!

1 comment:

  1. My curiosity is overwhelming. I love you and I miss you. The end.
