Sunday, October 14, 2012


I very distinctly remember when I was 10 and looking at return missionaries at 21 and thinking how old they were and feeling like I would never get to that age.  Now I am 23.  Life has gone so fast and not at all how I originally thought it would.

This birthday was interesting, not like any of my others.  All of our usual traditions for birthday were pushed aside for other things.  The day started with me getting up early to help my mom with a stake young men and women service project.  Normally we start our day with breakfast of our choice from Mom.  We didn't have time for this.  Emily made me breakfast.  She is so sweet.  
Toaster Strudel.  Apple juice.  Yogurt.

We then went and did the service project which consisted of digging up headstones and raising them.  For lunch we fed them all sub sandwiches.  

I then went to my Em and Ben's soccer game and froze my nose off.  

We all went home and did chores.

Later some of my friends came over and we ate left over sub sandwiches and had a fire and talked.

My family never had time to give me presents and do birthday cake.  It was weird.

This just means I get all of that today.  That means 2 days of birthday!

1 comment:

  1. Melis, I miss you. and I'm so sorry for missing your birthday. I hope you are doing well, we need to come visit you soon. (P.S. I nominated you for this Liebster thing.. participate if you'd like :) It's kind of silly)
