Monday, February 25, 2013

Body Guards and Best Friends

My friends are the greatest!  They work so hard to make me happy.  I will never be able to repay them for all the amazing things they do for me.

I'm short, not super short, but averagely short.  I tend to find friends that are tall.  Don't know why. Just happens that way.  There is a group of guys that I lovingly refer to as my body guards.  They tower over me.  Sometimes I stand in between them to feel protected.  They have protected me many times from the creepers of this world.  Mark, Joshua, and Jordan are basically the biggest man cheerleaders I have ever had.  I love them all.

Aren't they handsome?!

Guess what?! My blessings don't end there!  I have amazing ladies in my life too.  Rachael and Kelsey got my back!  They cheer me up and pull me through life.  Not to mention, anyone cross me and Kelsey will go ghetto on them.  Believe me! Ghetto Kelsey is SCARY!!  Rachie and I have known each other for a long, long, long time!  Some friends are just meant to be friends.  We are a great giggly team.  I think I laugh more with that girl than I do any other time.  Sometimes we just look at each other and the giggles explode.  People find us slightly (and when I say slightly I mean hugely) ridiculous!

I have many, many more friends that I love and appreciate so much.  This post would be ridiculously long if I talked about them all, so I'm sticking to the ones that I am most thankful for today!

Heavenly Father has blessed me so much and then He put a cherry on top and put these lovely people in my life!  I love you all!

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