Tuesday, September 25, 2012


So today I was told by one of my students that I remind them of Zooey Deschanel...
Mind you, this is not the first or second time a student has said this to me.

I haven't really been able to wrap my mind around it...
Maybe it's the bangs:

Or her personality.  I was trying to decide what exactly her personality is and I was not liking what Google was giving me.

I would type "Zooey Deschanel" and Google would guess things like "Zooey Deschanel divorce" and "Zooey Deschanel Obnoxious" or "Zooey Deschanel why I hate her."  I finally did find a few articles about her that explained her personality and characteristics.

These are the characteristics I have come up with:
and overall Quirky

So lets compare:
Childish: Okay, you have got me here.  I am childish.  I enjoy being childish, naive even.  Life can be much simpler that way.  I also enjoy doing things that can be categorized as childish such as playing with playdoh, building forts and playing on the playground.  Think that's weird? Try it sometime.

Kooky:  First of all I wasn't even sure exactly what this term meant, so I looked it up.  To paraphrase it means crazy, offbeat, strange, and eccentric.  Well... I can see it.  I mean I am odd, a non conformist, but I would never say "I march to the beat of a different drum" because I tend to do exactly what is expected.  I am strange and some would say eccentric (only my closest friends though...)

Confident: I am a confident person.  Don't get me wrong, there are things about me that I am not too fond of, but I don't let those things get in my way.  I easily talk to strangers and I get only slightly nervous talking in front of large groups.  I know who I am and I live my life that way.  I think teaching junior high and high school students requires a certain level of confidence.

Sarcastic: I am sarcastic.  Often too much.  Sometimes I am sarcastic to my students.  They understand it well.  Who is more sarcastic than a 15 year old?  Some people just can't tell when I am being sarcastic.  Maybe I should work on making my sarcasm more noticeable.

Passionate: Anyone who really knows me knows I am SUPER passionate about certain things.  Like my religion, my career, and my social beliefs.  I could go on but I will keep my passion in check this time.

and finally Quirky:  I also looked this term up.  Basically it means different...in a good way.  Thinking about my life I don't think I would have used this word to categorize myself.  Maybe I surround myself with friends who are at the same quirky level as I am.  I know a few boys who would agree with this though... Cam, Jeremy, Tyson, Mark?

Anyway, overall I guess I could see why people would find me similar to Zooey.  I think the biggest difference is that she takes each characteristic to a more extreme level.

What do you guys think?  Do you see any similarities?

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