Monday, January 30, 2012

Things Students Say

The other day there was a speaker in my class from the Art Institute.  He was talking to my students about marketing design.  He asked where in the department store has the most light.  One particularly outspoken student quickly responded "Over the milk!"  It took a second for everyone to comprehend what he just said and then the speaker had to quickly explain the difference between a department store and a grocery store.  I'm not supposed to laugh at these things, but I could not hold it in!

So the topic of marriage has been on my mind for the past while.  I am in the middle of the Marriage Unit of my Adult Roles class.  So, not only am I teaching about marriage twice every other day, I am planning lessons about marriage.  One of the assignments my class is working on is a wedding budget presentation.  They are looking for examples of items they would purchase for their wedding.  They are discovering that having a wedding can be very expensive.  Anyway, when I was explaining this assignment to one class a girl asked if I had done my wedding plan.  She meant it as "have I made an example for them for this assignment."  I understood that and she did as well, but the girl next to her quickly said "She isn't married!  That is rude!"  In my head I was laughing and very much not offended.  The two girls looked at me in horror waiting for I don't know what.  I smiled at them and told them that I could make an example of what I would do for the assignment and quickly moved on with the assignment explanation.

There are many times throughout the day that I have to turn around and pretend I am looking at the board while I get control of the fit of giggling that is about to escape.  I have to remind myself how old these students are and that when I was their age I often had "blond" moments as well.  (my friends are probably laughing because they know how often I still have blond moments)

What are some funny things you have heard the younger generation say?

Friday, January 27, 2012

My Purpose in Life

I have one really big purpose in life.  It has been this way since junior high.  I am the "advice girl."  My friends come to me for advice, my family comes to me for advice, and even some strangers have asked me for advice. My favorite is when they say "So, let's say there is a boy and this girl..." because I always know they are talking about themselves.  But hey, I am flattered that so many people trust me to give them good advice.

My specialty, dating advice.  You would think that my vast knowledge of the dating world would bring success to my life, but in this case the statement "those that can't do teach" applies here.  I have decided that I might go back to school to become a marriage councilor.  Thoughts?

On another note, I talked to an old friend (ex-boyfriend) yesterday.  I realized I still have a school girl crush on him.  Pathetic I know.  But he is so cute but masculine, smart but not too smart, and witty, very very witty.  One day he will realize how great I am and beg to date me again, but until then I remain boyfriendless, heck, dating-lifeless,  and some days friendless.  But, you know what!  I am happy!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wednesdays... That is all I have to say.

First of all I am going to make it a tradition to start every post with something I did that broke my comfort zone.
1. Sang Tony Chestnut to a bunch of high school kids:

(This was finished with a nice round of applause from my students.)

2. Yesterday in one of my classes we talked about engagement and the importance of that time for strengthening a marriage.  As the students walked into class I greeted them at the door on my knee with a bowl full of ring-pops and a sign that said "Will You Marry?" (I left off the "me" on purpose)  What was more embarasing for me was that other teachers that were walking past my door and looking over and seeing me do it.  My cooperating teacher told me they are just jealous they aren't as cool as me.  It is probably true.  I am cool.


I am at work, sitting here, waiting for basketball to get over so I can lock the school.  Kennteh is supposed to come visit me if he gets bored.  Doubt that is going to happen.  Another great thing is that the light sensor in the office thinks I am invisible and the lights keep going off on me.  Thank goodness this school district has YouTube open.  I have been searching funny, cute, and embarasing proposals. 
This is the one I showed to my class yesterday:

Cute, right???

Monday, January 23, 2012

Let's Break Melissa's Comfort Zone

So being a teacher has really pushed me out of my comfort zone.  I am totally comfortable reading and lecturing and leading a discussion, but an FCS teacher's job is much more complex than this.

So I LOVE singing, to myself, when no one else is listening.  Singing just isn't one of my talents.  Well lucky me!  I get to work on this talent.  Every other class period for Child Development we get to sing a children's song.  The BEST part about this is that in order for me to teach my students this song I get to sing it to them.  On my own. Solo. Out loud.  Last time we did "My Bonnie."  I don't know how I really sounded, the kids weren't covering their ears and crying, but in my head I sounded like: (go to .50 and pay special attention in the 3rd minute)

Another great thing I did today was play pretend.  My interior design class came in and I pretended I was an exercise instructor.  We did chair exercising.  I was peppy.  I was loud.  My class was laughing so hard at me.  Yep, it was fun, but at the same time scary.

One day I will be a great teacher and these things won't make me uncomfortable.  But until then I just have to fake it till I make it!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Bright Side

First of all, WHY AM I AWAKE at 7 on a Saturday?  My body does this really great thing where it wakes up at the same time everyday on its own after only a couple of days waking up at that time by alarm.  Waking up at 5 every morning so I can get ready and be to Layton High by 6:30 is really messing with my sleep schedule, but I guess this is going to be my new sleep schedule for the rest of my life...

This is one of those times I am really missing Logan and my friends up there.  I need to be better at talking to them more often.  Looking on the bright side is sometimes hard for me, but I have made a commitment that I will do it more often.  So here are my bright sides for living at home:

  1. I am always with my family 
  2. I am around to be able to go to Sunday Dinner with the Welch bunch
  3. I don't have to buy groceries and pay utilities 
  4. I get to spend time with my wonderful aunt and cousins because they only life 5 minutes away
  5. I am making new friends
  6. I am spending time with old friends
  7. My face isn't as pimply anymore (a result of not living with a bunch of girls, weird, but I like it)
  8. I am quickly getting over broken love
  9. Having a job that I can go to whenever I feel like working
  10. Family and neighbors that ask me how I am doing almost every hour
I really do love home.  I just need to figure out how to include parts of Logan with it more often.

Oh! and another great thing about home is being able to look at family pictures whenever I want:

Yup, that is me with Uncle Brad

Chris and I with Grandpa on his tractor

Ok, 3 things:
I loved cleaning with Momma
I had ROCKIN shoes
and that carpet in our kitchen is classic

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My Classroom!

I'm a teacher guys!  Isn't it exciting?! 

This is me in the classroom I work in (not the best picture ever)

I can't even explain the feeling I get when I am standing in front of a big class teaching them exciting things and they respond to me!  It is such a relief that I am not just standing at the front of the room talking away and no one wants to participate.  These kids volunteered when I asked!  They were so kind to me even though I was nervous.  When I told them to look at their assignment and start answering the questions they did it!  I didn't even have to ask them twice!

This student teaching experience isn't going to be so bad afterall! I am excited to see what these next three months bring me!

Monday, January 16, 2012


"love lifts us up where we belong"

This statement is very true, but lately I have seen that love pulls us down and makes us stupid.

I recently had a conversation about love with a friend.  They had ended a relationship and were regretting it.  They wanted the person they love back.  The major problem is that the person they love has entered a new relationship.  My first reaction in this case is to just move on, but the love this person has for the other person is way to strong for my friend to let it go.  They keep talking to the person and trying to win them back.  In my opinion it is becoming pathetic.  They just need to move on!

I was thinking about all of this and then I realized I am being just as stupid.  I have been so in love with a guy for so long and not allowed myself to let it go.  I tell my family and friends that I have moved on, I don't love him anymore, but deep inside I know that I am holding on to him.  I don't go to him and tell him I want him back.  I can't do that.  But I am stupidly hurting myself.  I need to move on!

So, I am going to move on.  I am going to extinguish that love and make room in my heart for the next man to enter my life.  It is going to hurt for a while, it always does, but in the end I will be a better person because of it.  Even now as I think about it my heart physically aches for them.  

If you have any tips let me know.  I will take all the help I can get.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

You're Gonna Miss This

So the subject of this post is totally cliche but oh well.  Last night I was sitting on the couch in my old apartment and life hit me in the face.  I am a high school graduate, and three months away from being a college graduate.  When did I get this old? (I say this and I can hear my aunts laughing at me)  But really.  I feel like I was in 8th grade and walking down the halls of my junior high only a year ago.  I have always looked forward to the future and a lot of times I forget to focus on the present.

I remember thinking when I was a freshman in college that graduating was forever away and I felt like I would never get there.  Now I look back and think it wasn't long enough.  I have spent so much time looking toward the future that I have forgotten to really appreciate the good times of the present.  I have a lot of memories from life but I don't think I have really appreciated those moments until now.

This time of the year we always focus on goals and resolutions.  So here is my one big goal.  I am going to focus more on the present and live more for the moment.  I am going to record these moments more often.  I am going to slow down and live day by day, not always looking at next year or the years after that.  I am going to fill my life with good times and let the future come when it wants to, even let it surprise me.

This all sounds very Trace Adkins, I know.  So for your listening pleasure:

Friday, January 6, 2012


So I did it! I picked one! Or rather my dad helped me pick one! He is a Honda Accord.  He is green( I promise, he is painted with iridescent paint that looks black in some light and green in other light)!  He has leather seats, a 6 disk CD changer, and a sun roof!  I am super excited!

Now every car owner knows they have to pick a name for their car.  I have already determined he is in fact male (I mean let's be honest, girls usually drive male cars and boys usually drive female cars).  Picking a name is hard! I have narrowed it down to two names.  I need your help to decide.

Choice #1-Rufio, named after my one true love since 1991.

Choice #2- Humphrey, also named after one of my loves.

SO is it going to be young, rugged, and rebellious or classic, mature, but also rugged?
Help me out here! Leave a comment with your choice, email me your choice, facebook me your choice.  Whatever mode of communication you wish to use, just VOTE!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Car Shopping

So I am not your typical girl in many ways.  I take about 20 minutes to get ready...maybe 30 on a slow morning.  Make-up is for really important events, besides that all the world gets is some mascara.  Weird thing number 2: I get no enjoyment out of drama, and when I am mad or upset I let the people involved know with my words (usually I am pretty calm).  None of this silent treatment, dropping signals, sarcasm crap.  But probably the number one thing about me that is not normal for a female is that I HATE shopping. Of course I tolerate it when my friends want to go, but it is never my 1st or even 6th choice of activity.  I'd rather read, play soccer, hike, garden, or change a baby's diaper.

So here is my predicament.  I need to get a new car.  I am running out of ways to find a car without having to actually shop for a car.  Pawning the job off on my father didn't work.  Apparently for that to work I have to tell him what I like and want...  I even got my little brother to do some searching for me but he came back to me with 10 cars he found leaving me with plenty of work shopping to do.  It all makes my head hurt and my stomach hurt and did I mention my head hurts? 

So if anyone LOVES to shop for cars let me know.  I would be your friend for eternity.

Well I am off to continue my car search.  This might be all the shopping I can handle for a year.