Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Life Update!

I have been trying to think of some meaningful things to post on here...but... I feel my life is pretty boring.  So, I decided to do just a basic "this is whats up" post.

First off, after reevaluating my friend circle I have discovered a few things.
#1- Boy best friends.  I need them.  For a while I didn't have one, but then I realized that wasn't true.  I have this friend named Cam (I tend to like this name) and I can honestly say I tell him EVERYTHING about my life.  Granted there is not that much to tell, but he still hears it all.  And sometimes he tells me about his life to.  We do things like go to lunch, sometimes go shopping, and mostly watch random movies.  But the best part is we push each other to actually do something sometimes; like tonight.  Potato selling is hard, but together we accomplished a lot!  When I'm nervous about things he comes with me.  We don't always have to be together, but I know if I really needed him he would come.  He is great ladies! Also single.  Want his number?

#2- I cannot be trusted around a bunch of girls.  I like juicy gossip and I get sucked in very easily.  My solution lately: hang out with guys more often.  Guys don't gossip.  I don't think they even know how...

#3- I used to think when I was with my friends we always needed to be doing exciting/random things.  Well, I have learned that sometimes just watching a movie with them can be the best thing ever.  Last night I learned things about Star Trek that I never would have ever known because I took the time to watch a movie with Cam and Jeremy.  Also, when you feel upset with life watch the beginning of a James Bond movie, eat bagel crisps that taste like pure garlic, and then watch Hunger Games.  

#4- Life is changing.  My friends are changing.  I can let them leave my life.  Its hard, but its possible.  Also, I am very bad at talking to my friends in Logan and I will repent and change that.  Expect a visit from me in the very near future!

More about my life:
I can do hard things like sell potatoes to a random stranger because I went to the wrong house.
One of my best friends of my whole life lost his brother not too long ago.  This reminded me how precious our lives are.
Spending 4 days with my grandparents was the highlight of my past few months.
I spend my afternoons after I am done teaching at my school at the elementary with the secretary.  I honestly can't think of anything I would rather spend my time doing.
I almost moved out but didn't.  Long story.

I know this was more detailed then planned but oh well!  Want to know more about my life? Call me, text me, facebook message me.  I know I want to hear all about yours!

Sunday, October 14, 2012


I very distinctly remember when I was 10 and looking at return missionaries at 21 and thinking how old they were and feeling like I would never get to that age.  Now I am 23.  Life has gone so fast and not at all how I originally thought it would.

This birthday was interesting, not like any of my others.  All of our usual traditions for birthday were pushed aside for other things.  The day started with me getting up early to help my mom with a stake young men and women service project.  Normally we start our day with breakfast of our choice from Mom.  We didn't have time for this.  Emily made me breakfast.  She is so sweet.  
Toaster Strudel.  Apple juice.  Yogurt.

We then went and did the service project which consisted of digging up headstones and raising them.  For lunch we fed them all sub sandwiches.  

I then went to my Em and Ben's soccer game and froze my nose off.  

We all went home and did chores.

Later some of my friends came over and we ate left over sub sandwiches and had a fire and talked.

My family never had time to give me presents and do birthday cake.  It was weird.

This just means I get all of that today.  That means 2 days of birthday!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Saved for the last days

As most of you know The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints announced that young men in all countries can now go on a mission at the age of 18 after graduating high school and that young women may go on missions at 19.

I had the huge blessing to be in the conference center this morning when President Monson made this announcement.  The shock was huge, but even better, the feeling around us was HEAVENLY.  The spirit was strong, testifying that this change is what God wants.  I have never in my life had so many goosebumps.

I sat there next to my brother Ben.  He is 14.  He is a huge example to me.  This is his first year in seminary.  Every single day he is so excited to share with me what he has learned and he often shares his testimony of the principles of this church.  His testimony is simple but super pure and strong.  Much stronger than mine was at his age and most of the young men I grew up with.

These "children" are strong.  They know things that I am still trying to grasp.  These valiant young men and young women are going to bring forth a huge conversion on this earth.  I can't wait to see this valiant army of missionaries go out and serve the Lord.

Who knows.  Maybe this will help open up China!

I love General Conference, and I can't wait to hear all the amazing things the Lord has prepared for us to learn.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Happiness is...

Letters from Jamie
Pictures from Jamie
Cameron bear hugs
Gossner's chocolate milk
Halloween Oreos
Seeing both Camerons in one day
Hoodies from high school
Teaching 9th graders
Watching 9th graders actually learn
Dove caramel chocolate
Lunch experiments with Jordan
Halloween decorations
Ben's laughter
Not coughing for 2 hours
Afternoon naps
Shows like Hart of Dixie