Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Car Shopping

So I am not your typical girl in many ways.  I take about 20 minutes to get ready...maybe 30 on a slow morning.  Make-up is for really important events, besides that all the world gets is some mascara.  Weird thing number 2: I get no enjoyment out of drama, and when I am mad or upset I let the people involved know with my words (usually I am pretty calm).  None of this silent treatment, dropping signals, sarcasm crap.  But probably the number one thing about me that is not normal for a female is that I HATE shopping. Of course I tolerate it when my friends want to go, but it is never my 1st or even 6th choice of activity.  I'd rather read, play soccer, hike, garden, or change a baby's diaper.

So here is my predicament.  I need to get a new car.  I am running out of ways to find a car without having to actually shop for a car.  Pawning the job off on my father didn't work.  Apparently for that to work I have to tell him what I like and want...  I even got my little brother to do some searching for me but he came back to me with 10 cars he found leaving me with plenty of work shopping to do.  It all makes my head hurt and my stomach hurt and did I mention my head hurts? 

So if anyone LOVES to shop for cars let me know.  I would be your friend for eternity.

Well I am off to continue my car search.  This might be all the shopping I can handle for a year.

1 comment:

  1. Yahoo! Aren't you so excited to have a car! You can come up and visit more often!
