Saturday, December 10, 2011

Best Friends are Very Few

There are just some people that will be your friend forever. One of these people in my life is one of my very BEST friends Brianna Sue Petersen.

Along time ago in 7th grade we had gym together. We would change and then walk to lunch together. Little did we know that this would start an amazing friendship. In 8th grade Bri moved to Morgan... I was sad. Our small friendship hadn't had time to really grow to something amazing yet. I would see her around a few times, like once I remember being at one of my soccer games in North Ogden and she was there with her mom.

Bri finally moved back to good ole' North Ogden in high school. We were always friends but it wasn't until senior year where our little friendship blew up into something MAGICAL!!

Bri and I were both part of the FCCLA council at our high school. You know what this means! We spent basically every single day together. We had another friend who was with us all the time too. The three of us spent basically all our time at school together and then all our time after school together. Even when Bri and I both had boyfriends we spent tons and tons of time together. This time in our lives was a little confusing, I mean we were both dating boys named Chris making girl chat time kinda interesting!

I will never ever forget the time that we went with the student government to deliver gifts to families our school had raised money for. Bri and I had done a project to go along with Quarters and Cans where we set up quilts in the commons and students would help us tie them. We were able to give the quilts to these families as well. Going through an experience like this really has a way of bringing friends closer.

FCCLA is a club. Clubs mean retreats and competitions. Retreats and competitions means long drives, hotels, and long hours of sitting in lectures. This gave Bri and I ample time to get into mischief. One of these retreats happened to fall on my birthday. We had a little party in our hotel room. Some boys friend another school joined us. Don't worry, our adviser was supervising us the WHOLE time (much to our dismay). Bri and I were there to have fun. We didn't care much about the leadership activities and we found lots of ways to entertain ourselves. This trip brought about our motto "Bananas Unite! Bananas Split!" (When you say this you have to put your hands together above your head on the word Unite and then when when you say Split hands go down to your sides) Did we do this in the halls of our high school you ask? Maybe... This was also the time we renamed our adviser "Timber." I will spare you the boring details.

So, Bri and I decided to live together when we came to Utah State. We also decided that we needed to be roommates with other people. We didn't want to kill each other. A little before this decision we had a falling out with our third amigo. Again, I will spare you the details. High school girl drama. With this change in walked our new third member. Little did we know this friendship would end about the same as the first. But these experiences only made mine and Bri's friendship STRONGER!

Living together was a BLAST! We always had a ton of fun. We both went through nasty heartbreaks but again this made us stronger.

The next year we didn't live together again but we were still really good friends.

Junior year we decided to reunite and be roommates. I have to say this was my favorite year of college. We always had so much fun, life was dramatic but never too dramatic (only interesting), and we made so many new memories.

This year the plan was to live together again. Well that did not work out. The saddest part is we hardly see each other anymore, but when we do it is like nothing has ever changed. We just pick up where we left off. Bri and I both have very chill personalities. Some say we don't care enough... which may be true, but as a team we ROCK! We have a friendship that will never die. EVER! I love you Brinanna.

As the saying goes "God made us best friends because he knew no mom could handle us as sisters."

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